
Training Across Stakeholder Groups

Through adapting training content, materials and delivery methods to the intended audience, Build Change reaches all stakeholders across the construction value chain so they better understand the elements essential to their role in creating disaster- and climate-resilient buildings. Engineers, government officials, homeowners, builders, vocational students, and building materials producers have all been participants in training on these design and construction principles. Training and awareness-raising improves local knowledge and skills for building safer homes and schools in accordance with government standards and generally accepted principles of disaster-resistant construction. Simplified language and image-based tools are the primary tools in construction training, so they are accessible to people with or without technical or construction backgrounds.

Community organization training in Colombia

School officials and councils

School officials and councils are often the closest stakeholders to reconstruction and rehabilitation done at their schools; they can be trained in basic construction supervision so they may identify key problems to review with supervising engineers. Training sessions include an overview of the key elements of disaster-resistance in school designs, common areas where structural construction pitfalls can occur and how to identify them, identification of good-quality construction materials, and an overview of the expected construction schedule.

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