For Governments

Joining you on your journey to Resilient Housing

Improve Your Housing, Before or After Disaster

Faced with reconstruction after an earthquake or hurricane?

When a disaster strikes, there is no time to lose. There are lower cost, locally preferred alternatives to temporary or transitional shelter. Retrofitting damaged buildings and rebuilding permanent housing have become the go-to’s for most post-disaster housing reconstructions.

Wouldn’t it be better to prevent disaster?

And improve living conditions at the same time? Existing home strengthening programs are gaining popularity and scale around the world.

As the global leader for systems change in resilient housing, Build Change works with government agencies at all levels – from municipal permit offices to national-level housing ministries – to chart your path to resilient housing.

Contact us, we’ll meet you where you are on your journey to resilient housing:

  • Housing ecosystem assessment using RHEAT™
  • Conditional cash transfer programs
  • Communications and engagement with homeowners
  • Capacity building, including engineering, construction, building materials production, small business ownership
  • Digital platforms for information management and scale (see BCtap)
  • Housing market analysis
  • Building damage assessments
  • Building code and guideline review and revision
  • New house designs, bills of quantity, structural details, and construction quality checklists
  • Retrofit evaluations, designs, bills of quantity, structural details, and construction quality checklists

Support resilient housing worldwide

Join us in preventing housing loss caused by disasters and climate-induced events.

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