July 5, 2018

Democratizing Access to Technology & Automating Workflows in Colombia

Build Change


Autodesk’s Latin America Marketing Program Manager, Juan M Martinez, Senior Data Scientist, Patty Svenson, and Forge Product Manager, Philippe Videau went to Colombia as part of a pro bono project to support Build Change, an Autodesk Foundation grantee, as they set out to retrofit homes in earthquake prone cities. Juan is originally from Bogota, but Patty and Philippe had never been, so why did they go? [button shape=”square” size=”small” float=”right” href=”http://labs.blogs.com/its_alive_in_the_lab/2018/07/democratizing-access-to-technology-automating-workflows-in-colombia.html” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Read More[/button]

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